Reviews for The Spirit That Guides Us

The Spirit That Guides Us
The Sand, The BarrierBands like Alexisonfire have been combining pop melody with hardcore power for a while, but The Sand, The Barrier - from the self-described "European collective" The Spirit That Guides Us - is that on an... read more...
By James Hayashi-Tennant
Apr 25, 2004

The Spirit That Guides Us
The Sand, The BarrierBands like Alexisonfire have been combining pop melody with hardcore power for a while, but The Sand, The Barrier - from the self-described "European collective" The Spirit That Guides Us - is that on an... read more...
By James Hayashi-Tennant
Apr 25, 2004

The Spirit That Guides Us
The Sand, The BarrierBands like Alexisonfire have been combining pop melody with hardcore power for a while, but The Sand, The Barrier - from the self-described "European collective" The Spirit That Guides Us - is that on an... read more...
By James Hayashi-Tennant
Apr 25, 2004