!earshot picks for 2007Zach Low My name is Zach Low. I work as the Music Director at CFCR 90.5fm Community Radio in Saskatoon. I co-host “Rocketship Radio” Thursday nights from 9-11pm central time with my girlfriend and CFCR Volunteer Coordinator Kristen Rutherford. Our show is an open music style playing music from all genres. I tend to lean towards newer/unreleased music and Kristen leans towards older music. Other Picks:
The Alberta Report TOP 10 RECORDS OF 2007 1. Panda Bear – Person Pitch –(Paw Tracks) MOST UNDER-RATED RECORDS OF 2007
Lee Bob Watson – Aficionado! – (Grass Roots Record Co.) MOST OVER-RATED RECORD OF 2007 Patrick Watson – Close To Paradise – (Secret City) (no offence to Secret City) Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga – (Merge) BEST LOCAL RELEASE OF 2007 Maybe Smith – Animals and Architects (Sir Handsome Records) BEST PERSONAL C/C RADIO MOMENT OF 2007. My personal best community radio experience of the year has got to be CFCR's relocation to their new headquarters at the top floor of a beautiful heritage building in downtown Saskatoon. MOST ANTICIPATED RECORD FOR 2008 One word: DOOM |